Engineering, procurement of materials and permanent installation equipments, training, construction and commissioning of the following works, located in the states of Sonora and Sinaloa:
- SE Culiacan Oriente Banco 1, 115 kV, two bays of line at 115 kV, one transformation bay at 115 kV, one three-phase transformer of 40 MVA and armored metallic boards at 15 kV.
- SE Cereso Banco 1, 115 kV, two bays of line at 115 kV, one transformation bay at 115 kV, one three-phase transformer of 40 MVA and armored metallic boards at 15 kV.
- LT Cereso Entq. Hermosillo Uno – Hermosillo Cinco, 115 kV-2c, TA.
- LT Culiacan Oriente Entq. Culiacan 2 – Culiacan 3, 115 Kv-2c, subterranean, insulated cable at 115 kV.